How to Know When You Should Take a Dose in Homeopathy

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. Please see full disclaimer.

Dosing in homeopathy is unlike that of any other type of system, and in a way rather simple:

You only take a remedy when there are symptoms present.

That’s it.

To illustrate, let’s say that you have a cough. You are able to compare the totality of your symptoms (see post: What is Homeopathy?) and find a really good fit on the basis of like cures like.

You take the remedy, and…it works!

Let’s say though a few hours later that the cough returns.

Then, and only then would you take it again, as there would be symptoms currently present.

To discern though a few different scenarios:

  • Let’s say that you take a remedy for the first time for an issue and nothing happens: that simply means it is not the correct remedy. It is generally viewed that it is fine to try a second time, but if after a second time there is no improvement do not take it again. In that instance there is likely another one better suited.
  • You take the remedy, it helps, so you keep taking it whether or not there are symptoms present. Doing this is so strongly advised against because you could induce a proving. There will be an entire post on provings, so be sure to subscribe 🙂
  • You take the remedy, it aggravates you, but then you feel relief. In this instance it would be a homeopathic aggravation. It means that it was a well selected remedy, but that the potency was too high (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained).
So in short, if you take a remedy and it helps you: only repeat the dose when/if the symptoms return. if you take a remedy and nothing happens, it is not the correct remedy.

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