
What is Gemmotherapy? A Complete List of the 51 Remedies

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic & gemmotherapy principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Yet another marvel under the umbrella of homeopathy.

You will see after a while, that homeopathy has many different branches.

A most interesting one, is that of gemmotherapy.

At first glance, one may think it has to do with gemstones – when in reality the “gemmo” aspect is the latin root word for bud, as in plant bud.

Gemmotherapy is basically summed up as the stem cells from the buds of plants, homeopathically prepared into solutions meant to target specific aspects of the body.

References and further reading linked at the end of the post.

I would like to again reiterate per the full disclaimer that nothing below is intended as medical advice. The below is presented for educational purposes only from what has been accepted within homeopathic and gemmotherapy tradition. This post provides only a general overview of what each is associated with. BEFORE TRYING AT HOME be aware THAT SOME COMBINE BEST WITH OTHER GEMMOS, AND SOME ARE NOT MEANT TO BE USED WITH CERTAIN PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS (and may not be explicitly noted here).

Alas, here are the 51 remedies within gemmotherapy:

  1. Abies Pectinata – associated with bone and growth issues
  2. Acer Campestre – inhibits viruses (particularly herpes), fatigue, fibromyalgia, gall bladder stones, and hypoglycemia issues.
  3. Aesculus Hippocastanum – drains venous congestion (ie varicose veins) and hemorrhoids
  4. Alnus Glutinosa – the top one for heart disease, also inflammatory conditions
  5. Alnus Incarna – one of the strongest anti-inflammatory and anti thrombotic
  6. Ampelopis Weitchii – for regeneration of damage to joints, ligaments, cartilage etc (ie: rheumatoid arthritis)
  7. Betula Alba – can drain the liver, also used for arthritis, gout, arthrose, and lower cholesterol
  8. Betula Pubescens – can drain the liver, acts on the immune system, issues with the hip joints
  9. Betula Verrucosa – can drain the liver and kidneys, anti-inflammatory, can regenerate tissues, nervous system depletion, intellectual exhaustion, early stage kidney disorders
  10. Carpinus Betula – infections of upper respiratory tract (especially ears, nose, and throat)
  11. Castanea Sativa/Vesca – help Aesculus Hippo enhance veinous circulation, drains lymphatics and vein disorders
  12. Cedrus Libani – kidney and skin drainer for different types of eczema, dermatitis, allergies, etc
  13. Cercis Siliquestrum – for arterial circulation due to arteriosclerosis
  14. Citrus Limonium – depression, migraines, insomnia, spasmodic coughs, etc
  15. Cornus Sanguinea – drains the endocrine system and thyroid issues
  16. Corylus Avellana – drains the respiratory system, supports the elasticity of the lungs
  17. Crataegus Oxyacantha – known as the “jack of all remedies” for heart issues
  18. Fagus Sylvatica – for repetitive or terminal infectious diseases
  19. Ficus Carica – for the digestive system, normalizes gastric juices, heals mucus, ulcers, colitis, etc
  20. Fraxinus Excelsior -mostly drains the liver but can also help the kidneys
  21. Ilex Aquifolium – can compliment Fagus Syl for renal insufficiency; Tilia for petit mal epilepsy; Betula Verr for fibrocystic breasts
  22. Juglans Regia – chronic inflammatory conditions, anti infectious remedy, pancreatitis, restore gut flora, dysbiosis
  23. Juniperus Communis – the most potent drainer for liver and kidneys in chronic conditions (not to be used in healthy people past 5 weeks as it can cause fatigue)
  24. Ligustrum Vulgare – drains the skin, kidneys, mucus membranes, chronic intestinal issues, colitis, mouth infections, bed sores, leg ulcers
  25. Lonicera Nigra – drains the liver and kidneys (not as potent as Juniperus) drains the nervous system producing calming effect
  26. Malus Sylvestris – anti inflammatory, migraines of vascular origin, stimulates brain with circulation and oxygenation, can help with addictions
  27. Olea Europea – cleans out the arteries, helpful in Alzheimers – not recommended in cancer (it can potentially break down tumor barriers making it spread)
  28. Pinus Montana – drains vertebral column, regenerative action on hard tissue, cartilage, ligaments, etc
  29. Platanus Orientalis – can help vitilligo, malaria, acne
  30. Populus Nigra – for circulation of the legs and spasms (only to be used 4-5 weeks at a time)
  31. Prunus Amygdalus – hypertension, coagulation disorders, nervous phobias, compulsive obsessions
  32. Quercus Pedonculata – adrenal issues, blood pressure, fatigue, constipation – is said to restore life to the dying
  33. Ribes Nigrum – for all allergies, anti-inflammatory, stimulates eosinophile series
  34. Rosa Canina – strengthens the immune system, migraines, headaches
  35. Rosmarinus Officinalis – primarily drains the liver and gallbladder, acts slightly on kidneys, prostate issues, women on BC, colitis, Crohn’s disease (important to do low doses only)
  36. Rubus Fructicosus – obstructive respiratory issues, osteroarthritis, stimulates bone tissue
  37. Rubus Idaeus – for problems in pelvic region in females with periods and childbirth
  38. Secale Cereale – restoration of damaged hepatic tissue, hepatitis, jaundice, also dermatitis & psoriasis
  39. Sequoia Gigantea – for estrogen deficiency
  40. Sorbus Domestica – major regulator of veinous circulation, lymphatic drainage, brain tumors
  41. Syringa Vulgaris – coronary vessels of the heart (important to start with low dose)
  42. Tamarix Gallica – issues with anemia, viral infections
  43. Tilia Tomentosa – insomnia, neuralgia, headaches, calms down stressed out people
  44. Ulmus Campestre – strong drainer of liver and kidneys, skin metabolic issues
  45. Vaccinum Vitis Idaea – necrosis of the extremities, post menopausal issues, aging, decrepitude, repairs intestinal mucosa from colitis, Crohns, etc
  46. Viburnum Lantana – chronic allergies, bronchitis, asthma, eczema
  47. Viscum Album – any kind of fibrocystic formation of the breast, ovaries, etc, also for scar tissue- to be cautious in those with cancer (it can potentially break down tumor barriers making it spread)
  48. Vitis Vinifera – painful deforming rheumatism/arthritis, small articulations of fingers/toe
  49. Zea Mais – after Ulmus Camp, one of the best liver and kidney drainers, however for inflammation it is superior (start with low doses)
  50. Gingko Biloba – asthma, Raymauds, all issues needing increased blood supply
  51. Vinca Minor – improve blood circulation, brain irrigation, hypertension

For more information, check out this great brochure from Seroyal which explains all gemmos, indications, etc (click here)


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