
What are the Homeopathic Cell Salts?

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

The cell salts, also known as tissue salts, are effectively the building blocks of humanity.

They are an offshoot of homeopathy with 12 of them (compared to over 3,000 homeopathic remedies), different in that they do not act on the principle of like cures like, nor is the mode of action on the vital force.

They were discovered by Dr Wilheim Schuessler, as he found that when the human body is reduced to ash only those 12 basic mineral compounds remain. These are the most basic building blocks which make up everything in the body: cells, blood, tissue, bones, organs, skin, etc.

To be deficient in them is associated with a cascading effect of various health issues in every aspect of the body, with the last place that the deficiencies appear is on the face.

Let’s say for example that you are a person struggling with premature wrinkles. Wrinkles are actually a sign that your body is deficient in Silicea- which is the building block of collagen. In our modern society we merely try and hide wrinkles, not realizing that they can reveal much deeper underlying deficiencies in the body.

So how do I consume these cell salts?

Cell salts are found at the most basic level of plants and vegetables, with our typical intake coming from the food that we eat.

However due to soil depletion let alone various modern gut issues with absorption, it can be challenging to obtain optimal levels from digestion alone.

This is precisely what makes homeopathic cell salts so beneficial, as they are able to bypass regular digestion. They effectively act as a form of highly bioavailable minerals that are absorbed on the cellular level.

As a brief overview on all 12 of the cell salts:
  1. Calc Fluor – primarily deals with teeth enamel, glands (known as the “stone breaker” for glandular cysts, elasticity of skin.
  2. Calc Phos – the top one to think of for developmental delays of all kinds. The basic element behind what stomach acid is derived from, so relates vastly to the digestive system and immunity.
  3. Calc Sulph – for any kind of yellow discharge, reduces infections, purifies the blood, wounds that are slow to heal.
  4. Ferr Phos – used for initial onset of fevers, can relate to darkness under the eyes, can reduce bleeding, carries oxygen throughout the body.
  5. Kali Mur – used after ferr phos for infections, helps the body to clear congestion, nasal discharge, issues with tonsils, usually a white discharge.
  6. Kali Phos – a key ingredient in the brain, often for anger, distress, stress, burnout, promotes overall nerve health.
  7. Kali Sulph – a great one for acne, can help heal mucus membranes, various skin issues.
  8. Mag Phos – one of the top ones for period cramping, or any kind of cramps that are relieved by heating especially. muscle aches, shooting nerve pain.
  9. Nat Mur – the great balancer, for any kind of water retention, dryness, constipation, chronic headaches.
  10. Nat Phos – for intestinal worms, indigeston, gas, heartburn, any kind of excess of lactic acid.
  11. Nat Sulph – the great cleanser, aids the liver, pancreas, kidneys, relieves symptoms from the flu.
  12. Silicea – the top one for skin, hair, nails, any form of connective tissue.
Where can I get them?

My absolute favorite cell salts are those from Best Made Products. They have a kit with each of the 12 cell salts containing over 550 pellets per bottle. They include a reference pamphlet, indicating for example that Ferr Phos can be used for the first sign of fevers. I have used them for over two years and am such a fan that I partnered with them to get my readers a discount. If you decide to purchase you can use the code THEHOMEOMOTHER for 10% off.

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