
The Top 9 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Fevers

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Oh, fevers.

You never know when they might just seemingly strike.

It can be incredibly inconvenient really.

You might be exposed to a cold wind, and then all of a sudden you’re home and – there’s a fever!

To back track on that – did you know a fever from a cold wind could indicate needing Aconite?

Homeopathy is strange, yet amazing like that. It can take so many peculiarities we wouldn’t think matter…and they matter as symptoms that can point quite specifically to a remedy.

Here are a few of the biggest fever remedies, and their associated symptoms:

1. Aconite

This type of fever can result after exposure to a cold wind of some sorts. It can occur very suddenly, be very high, and the person can show a great amount of fear. They may be very thirsty with extreme restlessness and anxiety. The skin can alternate feeling cold and hot, with cold sweats and a red face.

2. Belladonna

This can look similar to an Aconite fever as it can be very high, however it is usually thirst-less (but can sometimes show an extreme thirst for cold water or lemonade). Skin can be very hot, look red, and dry. Commonly associated with infections, so throat or ears can also hurt. Eyes can have a more glassy appearance with dilated pupils, and if advanced there could be delirium.

3. Gelsemium

For fevers that may be more low to mid grade. What denotes this type is great lethargy, being very tired and not wanting to move. Can be accompanied by the flu and illnesses that are a slow, more gradual onset.

4. Bryonia

Those needing Aconite initially for a high fever may need this as the fever lessens. Typically this type has body aches and pains, making them want to stay still as movement makes them feel worse. May be extremely thirsty, very dry, and wants to be alone. Known as being the “grouchy bear” when sick.

5. Rhus Tox

This type may seem similar to Bryonia as they also have body aches, however the difference is that they will desire movement and motion for relief. Known for having great restlessness with constantly trying to reposition to get comfortable.

6. Ars Album

Usually caused by food poisoning, this fever type may feature other gastrointestinal issues or vomiting as well. It is a very hot and burning type, so it can have burning tears, burning diarrhea, etc. There can be a lot of anxiety associated with it, with a lot of thirst but only desiring sips of water at a time.

7. Ferrum Phos

This is a cell salt (see post: What are the Homeopathic Cell Salts?) that can help in the early stages of a fever or sickness. Usually for more low to mid grade fevers.

8. Nux Vomica

This type of fever can be very high, and is associated with additional features like gastrointestinal cramping, headaches, over sensitivity to light and sounds, and generally wanting to be alone.

9. Pulsatilla

For fevers that can accompany ear infections or sinus infections. Usually the person will want to be greatly consoled and comforted. They may feel worse in warm rooms, and typically thirst-less and moody.


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So how do I take these?

It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

Homeopathy is effectively an energy medicine, making it safe for all ages. However do be mindful this post is for educational purposes based on homeopathic tradition. Do not hesitate to seek immediate medical attention in children with fevers over the range of danger indicated for their age group, see full disclaimer.

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