
The Top 5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

To those who suffer from it, eczema can be a certain kind of hell.

With endless creams, and itching, and creams, and itching, and creams…and more itching…

The soul of the eczema sufferer has definitely been tried.

Like with many other things though, homeopathy can offer some hope.

Here are a few of the top remedies for eczema:

1. Sulphur

Oh, Sulphur. This is a remedy that deserves all sorts of praise for its incredible action on the skin. I mean seriously: if you have a skin issue of any kind, Sulphur can probably help with it. Sulphur inherently deals with detox, and given that the skin is one massive detox organ- it can work wonders. For eczema purposes, those needing Sulphur may have flare ups associated with their dairy intake. They may find their eczema is worse in the summer, it can feel very rough, dry, and extremely itchy. If this is a person’s constitutional state causing the eczema (see post: What is a Homeopathic Constitutional State?) – this type of eczema sufferer may also have above average intelligence, with a propensity towards being messy and a dislike of eating eggs.

2. Graphites

Okay, check behind your ears. We don’t often check behind our ears, and those with eczema who need Graphites may just have some patches of it behind their ears. This type can also have issues with eczema around their mouth, and in their elbow and knee joints. They may also have an array of issues with their fingernails and toe nails. Constitutionally, there may be some issues concentrating.

3. Dulcamara

Maybe your eczema is worse during cold and damp weather. If so, it could be the type that would benefit most from Dulcamara. This type also often has thick yellow scabs from excess pus formation.

4. Cal Carb

Did you know that cradle cap is basically a form of eczema? Okay, maybe more like a cousin of it. Regardless: eczema on the head, or cradle cap, can often most point to Calcarea Carbonica aka Cal Carb.

5. Ars Alb

This kind of eczema is probably the worst kind. If you have issues with eczema that is burning, giving you all sorts of anxiety, restlessness, and perhaps some constitutional gut issues, and OCD – then Ars Alb could help.


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So how do I take these?

Given that this is such a physical based issue, 3-4 pellets of a very low potency like 6c (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) daily would likely be the greatest benefit. If there is zero improvement after a week or two, consider a different remedy or even working with me.

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