
The Top 5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Grief

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

It has been said the only thing consistent in life is inconsistency.

What is here today, may be gone tomorrow.

Depending on one’s perspective: this can be viewed as a beautiful thing.

For if all we are is perishable beings, it can help remind us to set our sights on things that are more eternal.

Yet for the grieving: those words may just be empty platitudes.

In which case, I present you with the top remedies associated with helping a grieving heart, find balance once more:

note: For anyone feeling deeply depressed, and any thoughts of self harm or suicide: please do not hesitate to reach out to the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

1. Ignatia

For those who are truly and deeply bereaved. Often following the death of a loved one (or an experience will similar emotional impact) which leaves them feeling emotionally shattered. This deep, immense grief can manifest in feelings of a lump in the throat, with sighing to try and lift from them something that just cannot be. This can ultimately become depressive episodes with sobbing, anger, that can go deeper into the physical being showing up long term as nervous tension, headaches, and even tics.

2. Nat Mur

For those who are suffering with the effects from chronic, long term grief or depression. They may find themselves just generally feeling more closed off to the world, not letting anyone else in their inner circle (a subconscious way of protecting from further pain). They may find it very challenging to cry, as it has all been pushed away somewhere deep inside. This emotional dryness translates to the physical, as their skin may be dry, and issues with constipation. This dry nature makes them unable to tolerate anything else that could dry them further – as the sun can give them headaches.

3. Pulsatilla

Maybe instead of holding it all in to the point of the physical dryness seen with Nat Mur, you instead just let it all out. If you are the type who expresses grief by feeling it completely, deeply, and fully with weeping, and needing a lot of consolation from others – Pulsatilla could perhaps help you. This type could showcase a lot of moodiness, as they are very in touch with their emotions. The propensity to cry manifests physically into discharges of all kinds – so while crying, there could be a runny nose as well.

4. Aurum Metallicum

Aurum is effectively potentized gold. In the nature of gold: this is a type who can feel deep, immense, grief and depression associated with money. It can be so extreme to the extent that there are impulses to suicide, that compared to other types are more likely to follow through on, should finances take a downward turn. For any deep grief associated with financial matters: think Aurum.

5. Phosphoric Acid

For those who are going through the motions following a loss, and maybe their grief is not as extreme as those above- but who feel just completely worn down, and exhausted. Getting through the day to day might be a real struggle, as a part of them just feels like it has gone with the one that they lost.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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