
The Top 9 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Sore Throat

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Having a sore throat is among the greatest of life’s annoyances.

It is just one of those things that you never think about when you don’t have one.

But when you do have one, you think of all the times you took for granted that you did not have one.

I remember last Spring having one of the worst sore throats of my life.

It literally felt like razor blades.

Let’s just say: I am very, unbelievably, and forever thankful for homeopathy.

Here are the top remedies associated with sore throats:

1. Merc

One of the top remedies for sore throat. The pain may be felt spreading to the ears. There may also be swelling of lymph nodes, increased salivation, and a lot of sweating. This type is usually worse at night and very chilly.

2. Belladonna

For any kind of sore throat that is very sudden, and very painful. It may hurt very badly while swallowing, especially on the right. The throat can be extremely red, and there is likely to be a high fever.

3. Aconite

For the kind of sore throat that also appears suddenly, often after exposure to a cold wind. The person may be very anxious, restless, and extremely thirsty.

4. Lachesis

For sore throats that are often worse on the left, worse with swallowing drinks, yet better with swallowing food. It may be very uncomfortable having anything around the neck (ie: necklace, button up shirt, etc).

5. Hepar Sulph

For a sore throat that feels like it has a splinter stuck in it. Similar to Mercurius, the pain can be felt spreading to the ears. Warm drinks may help this type feel some relief.

6. Ars Alb

For a sore throat usually worse on the right. It can begin with nasal symptoms, and also feature coughing. This type can have anxiety about being sick, and may have a very dry mouth making them take many sips of water.

7. Bryonia

A sore throat is often very dry, with a constant urge to swallow. Typically also has a cough. It can be worse after eating, and worse with motion. Will often desire a lot of water and be exceptionally irritable.

8. Apis

When the sore throat is very red, stinging, swollen and hurts even without swallowing. Warm drinks and food aggravate it, and cold drinks and food help to improve it.

9. Ignatia

Similar to Lachesis, this is worse with swallowing drinks, but pain can be felt regardless. There may be a sensation of a lump in the throat, with frequent sighing. This type is prone to losing their voice.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

Homeopathy is effectively an energy medicine, making it safe for all ages. However do be mindful this post is for educational purposes based on homeopathic tradition. Do not hesitate to seek immediate medical attention in children, see full disclaimer.

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