The Top 9 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Dairy Allergies

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

But no more cheese?!

Finding out that you have to give up your favorite things like pizza, cheese and don’t say it…


Can be devastating! Whether your child is suffering from breakouts, blisters, and hives, or gastric distress – there are many options to help the body process and overcome these reactions!


1. Aethusa:

This can be used when dairy causes curdled vomiting in babies. May appear white and frothy. Nausea can begin at even the sight of food. The stomach may feel turned upside down with burning in the chest or tearing pains that extend up to the esophagus.

2. Lac Defloratum:

This remedy is actually made from the skimmed milk of a cow. The main complaint will be constipation from dairy. May also experience a loss of appetite and have a great thirst for large quantities of water.

3. Mag Mur:

 For any kind of lactose intolerance that causes skin rash and blisters on lips and in mouth. Can also have a lot of gas and diarrhea from milk. Emotionally this state can have a lot of anxiety at night upon lying down in bed.

4. Apis:

For dairy allergies that cause hives. Any reactions that may include rapid swelling of tongue or mouth. Sudden onset of itching from consuming milk.

5. Calc Carb:

For dairy allergies that cause vomiting. Digestion is slow and sluggish. May have cravings for indigestible things like dirt or charcoal. Can actually have an aversion to milk in general, but have a great love of eggs. Often those also have MTHFR issues, and can have issues with losing weight/chubby babies with a sweaty head.

6. Nat Carb:

 For diarrhea after dairy intake with excessive bloating and gas. May also have many other food allergies or intolerances. Emotionally are the type that suffers in silence and prefers to be alone. Common to also suffer from heartburn and indigestion.

7. Sulphur:

 If dairy irritates the stomach and causes diarrhea. Typically craves sweets, but has a distaste for eggs. Can have a tendency to be messy and have diarrhea early in the morning on waking.

8. China:

 For any allergies to dairy associated with anemia and weakness. Bloating is common and is not relieved by flatulence. Can also have gallbladder complaints. Emotionally tend to be irritable/ moody and sensitive.

9. Tuberculinum:

Often has a history of respiratory issues, hair down neck or back, and a blue tint to the sclera of the eyes. Can have behavioral issues with adhd/asd, and often also allergic to cats. Note – Tuber is not indicated for those with a history of heart issues.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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One Comment

  1. This is such helpful information -thank you! For the dosage, do you recommend Mama takes it herself, or give it directly to baby if the remedy is in liquid form?

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