The Top 8 Best Homeopathic Remedies For UTI

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Stinging, burning, frequency – OH MY!

There isn’t anything much worse than those first signs of a UTI!

Although a common ailment, UTIs can be annoying at best and chronic at worst.

Whether you are in constant pain or are experiencing yet another flare – there are great homeopathic options that may help!


1. Cantharis:

The top remedy associated with UTI’s with burning sensations and decreased flow. May feel very restless, yet still have increased sexual desire during infection. Burning may feel very intense during or after urination.

2. Apis:

Typically there is stinging and burning that is worse with heat, worse at night, and can only dribble urine. Can have the sensation that urine is still left behind in the bladder even after emptying.

3. Berberis:

For a UTI with extreme shooting pains that may go all the way to the back. Can be associated with kidney stones and may notice a bubbling sound in the kidneys. Will feel worse from standing or motion. Urine may appear to have a thick mucus.

4. Sarsaparilla:

Indicated when there is pain towards the end of urinating, prone to standing. Urine may appear to have pus or blood and pains that extend into the abdomen.

5. Aconite:

If there is sudden or rapid onset of symptoms, that are very hot and burning. Can have a history of panic attacks or palpitations. Indicated for a UTI that began after a major shock or trauma. May feel worse at night or in a warm room.

6. Sepia:

 Typically a remedy used for women that can feel like their insides will fall out or are being pushed down – with sharp pains. May feel disconnected from family, angry, or have postpartum depression. Can also suffer from yeast infections, BV or PCOS.

7. Nitricum:

For UTI’s following coition. Indicated for very strong-smelling urine that’s cloudy or dark. Will have burning or stinging while passing urine.

8. Merc

If unable to urinate or having to strain, burning, those with recurrent UTI. Can be accompanied with frequent urging or a green discharge from the urethra. May notice an increase in sweating while sleeping as well.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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