The Top 8 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Hair Loss

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Too much hair falling out?

Clumps and bunches, graying, or brittle ends, can leave you feeling insecure and searching for answers!

Whether you are freshly postpartum and noticing the hormonal shifts or…

if you are starting to go through menopause and seeing signs of thinning graying – homeopathy may help!


1. Phosphorus:

For hair loss that falls out in clumps/bunches, often from the forehead, is dry, and can have issues with dandruff and premature graying. General theme of anxiety or that something bad will happen to them. Can have issues with bleeding and burning pains.

2. Lycopodium:

The biggest for premature balding in men, but also common for women postpartum or during menopause, usually loss starts in the vertex and then the forehead. May have issues with irritability between 4-8 pm and/or gas & bloating.

3. Fluoricum Acidum:

For hair that falls out in spots or patches. This is very common for alopecia and often the hair is very dry and brittle. Can also suffer from bone weakness, varicose veins, and decay of teeth – especially at the roots.

4. Silicea:

The cell salt form can stimulate hair growth in general, make it stronger, and reduce dryness. These can be taken daily to maintain hair density.

5. Phosphoricum Acidum:

For very thinning hair as a whole, often follows postpartum or grief, can also be premature graying and in men may be for loss in their beard. Can also have loss of hair in eyebrows, chest, or other body parts. May crave fruits and have a tendency to be forgetful, and feel weak both mentally and physically.

6. Thuja:

 For hair loss associated with white dandruff on the scalp, eyebrows may also be thin. Typically struggle with self-confidence by feeling worthless, unattractive or that no one would really love them if they knew the “real” them. Common to also have warts in this state.

7. Kali Carb:

For hair loss among those who are very introverted. May also have issues with back pain or suffer from respiratory ailments like asthma.

8. Arnica:

For issues with hair loss, especially in women, after an injury. Can help stimulate hair follicles.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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