The Top 8 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Exhaustion

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

It doesn’t take much to make for a tired Mom…

Maybe your exhaustion has begun to affect your daily life, or has become chronic in nature that it has you reaching for more coffee/stimulants than you’d like.

Or becoming more and more irritable with your children…

If you have found yourself falling asleep, unable to concentrate, or full of brain fog – there can be relief in a homeopathic remedy to bring your body back to balance!


1. Kali Phos:

This is a cell salt for fatigue from the slightest exertion mentally or physically, often for those who experience long periods of stress. Energy levels are low, may experience brain fog and, in some cases even depression.

2. Gelsemium:

For great weakness and overall drowsiness, often when sick. Very common to have anxiety that is anticipatory in nature and may even cause digestive upset, such as diarrhea. Can fit chronically as someone who has “never been well” since having the flu.

3. Carbo Veg:

 For overall debility, extreme weakness, and not wanting to do anything. Can have gut issues with excessive gas and bloating. Exhaustion may even cause fainting spells.

4. Phos Acid:

Extreme physical and mental weakness, with an inability to collect thoughts. Has a tendency to be slow to answer questions and forgetful. Headaches may accompany exhaustion with the feeling of a weight on top of the head. Can crave fruits or refreshing foods.

5. Nux Vom:

For exhaustion following stimulants like alcohol (ie hangovers) or overwork. Can be very sensitive to light, sounds, and smells. Liver issues and constipation are common. A rush of thoughts before bed may create insomnia, contributing to the exhaustion, or waking between 3-4 AM.

6. Silicea:

 For fatigue and irritability from working too much. Have a dread of failure, which can lead to overwork. May feel drowsy after eating or in the evening. Tendency to wake frequently during the night.

7. Ars Alb:

 Exhaustion coupled with massive anxiety or fear. Can have gut issues/burning issues, along with irritability – especially to loved ones. Tends to be concerned about germs as well as cleanliness and order.

8. Arnica:

 For exhaustion with physical soreness, for example after a workout or an injury.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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