The Top 8 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Bellyache

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Whether it is you or your child…

…no one likes a bellyache!

Bloating, overindulging, unexplained gurgling, or heartburn all can cause a day to go downhill quickly!

Homeopathy can help to ease indigestion, upset tummies and get everyone back to their best!


1. Colocynthis:

For stomach pain that makes you bend over, pressure can help it feel better. The physical pain may have started after big emotions or can be felt when there are big emotions. Intestines may feel as if they are being “squeezed.”

2. Dioscorea:

For twisting cutting pain that is better by bending backwards/arching back. May also be experiencing a lot of flatulence after meals.

3. Nux Vom:

  For stomach pain brought on by eating – especially alcohol and spicy foods. May have belching that provides some relief. Light and sound can feel unbearable / sensitive to them. Heartburn and headache due to gastric upset may aslo indicate this remedy.

4. Mag Phos:

Similar to Colocynthis but improved with heat, pressure, or rubbing. Emotionally can feel irritable, or oversensitive. Cramping may feel shooting, stabbing, or as if it is nerve pain.

5. Chamomilla:

Stomach pain that makes you very irritable, or angry. Can feel nauseated after coffee, or warm drinks. Colic in infants, or stomach upset in teething children. The stool may appear green.

6. China:

 Gut pain from trapped gas, which may accompany sharp liver pain. The mouth may taste bitter with lots of noise and rumbling in the stomach. Bloating that is not relieved by flatulence.

7. Lycopodium:

 Stomach pain with a lot of flatulence & bloating after eating. Can suffer from constipation, hard stools, or slow digestion. May feel worse from eating foods like beans, onions, or cabbage. Can have a lack of self-confidence and a changeable appetite.

8. Carbo Veg:

 Stomach pain with a lot of fatigue. May also experience gas/bloating. Indigestion from fatty and/or rich foods. Can feel relief from open air or being fanned. Emotionally may feel depressed or indifferent.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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