The Top 7 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Narcissism

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Oh, Narcissism…

It has become quite a buzzword in today’s world.

The narcissistic state typically appears as patterns of selfishness, a complete lack of empathy, and a constant need for admiration… but underneath it all – there may actually be an insecure person inside.

While it can be a challenge for this type to get on board with changing their ways…

If they are open-minded enough the improvements can be life-changing!


1. Lycopodium:

Very big for narcissism in men. Usually a more emotionless/more intellectual type, that will do anything to get ahead. Often feels weak on the inside, so very dictatorial on the outside. Associated with men who may abandon wives/kids. Notoriously has gut issues and gas, worse between 4pm and 8pm.

2. Platina:

For narcissism in women. Simply feels that she is more special and better than everyone else in every way including spiritual. Very vain and focused on her external appearance. Can be hyper-sexual, have nerve pains, or violent impulses.

3. Palladium:

Very egotistical and desires the praise of others. Offended very easily, and feels unappreciated. A lot of issues with wounded pride.

4. Sepia:

Big for women, hormonal issues can lead to indifference to the needs of loved ones, to the point of irritability and anger with more of a focus on her own emotional needs instead.

5. Aurum:

This remedy can be indicated for workaholics that are focused on money/career and prone to immense depression. Views themselves as more capable than everyone else.

6. Stramonium:

For darker themed personalities that only tend to think of themselves, have a hard time emotionally relating and connecting. A lot of suppressed anger and propensities towards violence. Really likes the colors black and red.

7. Heather:

This is a Bach flower essence. These are liquid and are suggested at 2 drops by mouth 4X a day. This state is associated with nonstop talking, of things that relate to them. This goes back to feeling unloved as a child and trying to overcompensate.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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