
The Top 7 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Food Poisoning

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

You finally get a night out…

or maybe you just had to grab something quick

And a few hours later the funny tummy gurgles start. It can’t be…

Food Poisoning!

Get through the uncomfortable symptoms and inconvenience faster with these homeopathic remedies!


1. Ars Alb:

This is the first go-to remedy for food poisoning and is always good to keep on hand! May be experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, with burning pains, and/or anxiety. Tendency to be worse around or shortly after midnight. In general, can have a fear of becoming ill or are concerned about cleanliness.

2. China/Cinchona:

 If Ars Alb fails and there is immense weakness with very watery stools, bloating, and gas, China may be well indicated. There may be a lot of pain in the abdomen, and motion may relieve some of the bloating.

3. Ipecac:

If Ars Alb fails, and there is constant nausea/vomiting. Can be producing a lot of saliva and be experiencing intense headache or migraine. Will likely feel very weak as well.

4. Veratrum Alb:

 If Ars Alb fails, and there is vomiting and diarrhea simultaneously– Veratrum Alb may be well indicated. Has a tendency to feel very cold or having cold sweats. Vomiting may be described as “projectile.”

5. Sulphur:

If Ars Alb fails and there is diarrhea at 5 AM – Sulphur may be well indicated. In general, can already suffer from digestive issues such as heartburn or offensive stool. May also have skin ailments. such as eczema.

6. Colocynthis:

If Ars Alb fails and there is immense stomach cramping that makes you double over in pain – this can be an indication for Colocynthis. The intestines may feel as if they are “being squeezed“. Pain can be relieved with hard pressure or laying on the stomach,

7. Phosphorus:

If Ars Alb fails, and diarrhea is like a “faucet“. Can feel dizzy or have flashes of heat to the head. Stomach can feel very weak or empty.

A few others to consider are: Podophyllum, Croton Tig, Nux Vom, or Aloe.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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