
The Top 7 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Anxiety

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Anxiety is simply just awful.

When you are experiencing it, all you want it to do is to go away-

But the more you want it to go away-

It is like the worse it gets.


Here are the top homeopathic remedies associated with anxiety:

1. Aconite

For any kind of anxiety with a sudden quality to it. The proverbial panic attack. When it suddenly comes on, you’re very afraid with an intense state of fear or panic. It can be felt in the chest, and even take on the form of heart palpitations. There can be flushing of the cheeks, trembling or shaking, and shortness of breath. There can be a real fear that you are going to die. This can also greatly help with reliving any past trauma/PTSD.

2. Ars Alb

The Ars Alb anxiety usually centers on a lot of fear about their health, if there is anything wrong with them, etc. This fear of the state of health can lead to OCD like qualities of needing everything to be clean, as there is a sense of germs otherwise invading – which would lead to their true fear, that being of death. It can be marked by a feeling of tightness in their chest, burning pains, and even diarrhea.

3. Gelsemium

For anyone who experiences a lot of social anxiety, or even anticipatory anxiety, this is usually indicated. The idea of having to mingle with large groups of people and make small talk can make those needing this very anxious and irritable. It can also help with stage fright (see also: Argentum Nit). Those needing this may have test anxiety (see also: Argentum Nit) that makes their mind go blank.

4. Argentum Nit

If you have some sort of event that causes you to be in front of an audience, and that freaks you out to the point of obsessing over it. This deals with all sorts of anxiety stemming from stage fright, marked with weakness, trembling, diarrhea and often a lot of belching. One of the top ones for test anxiety with “what if” type thoughts making them change answers/have self doubt. Can also have anxiety from random impulsive thoughts.

5. Phosphorus

For those who when they lay down at night have an unexplained fear of the dark, and fear of thunderstorms. Those needing this are also usually very social, so they can have anxiety from their social interactions with others as they feel a need for approval.

6. Nat Mur

If you feel a real fear of anyone breaking into your home, or of robbers – this can greatly help. Also indicated for fear of thunderstorms.

7. Ignatia

Most commonly indicated in those experiencing anxiety as a byproduct of grief.

Also consider: the Bach flower essence Mimulus for specific anxiety (ie: fear of dogs) and Aspen for generalized anxiety.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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    1. I would suggest trying it once more. If there is still no improvement then it is not the correct remedy for you. Try and determine a better suited one, or I’m also happy to work with you 🙂

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