The Top 13 Best Homeopathic Remedies Based on Mucus Color

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Started as a simple runny nose?

But now you blow and see yellow or green?!

What do all these colors even mean?!

From snot that gets stuck to wondering what you are hawking up, these remedies will give you the relief you seek!

HERE ARE THE TOP Homeopathic REMEDIEs by color of mucus:

White Mucus

  • Kali Mur – This remedy is best when there is white thick mucus and discharge. It may also be indicated if symptoms are worse after eating rich fatty foods. Kali Mur can also be found as a cell salt, which may be added to any type of illness regimen that has congestion. Read more on congestion relief here.
  • Nat Mur – Discharges will resemble egg whites and can be coupled with a headache or sinus pressure. May also feel worse from lying down in a warm room or talking.
  • Ars Alb – Can have white nasal charge with a burning quality in the sinuses.

Green Mucus

  • Pulsatilla – For green (and yellow) mucus that may also be coupled with an ear infection. Morning discharges have more of a yellowish hue and by evening they begin turning more green. Getting outside in the open air will help to relieve symptoms.
  • Kali Bich – For nasal congestion or discharge that is green, thick, and ropy. Or if there is any type of post-nasal drip associated with the illness. Also consider Hydrastatis for thick ropy discharge.
  • Merc Sol – Symptoms have usually progressed into later stages of infection when this remedy is indicated. There will be green mucus and discharges, with an offensive odor. It may be hard to get rest or will be soaking the sheets at night with perspiration.

Yellow Mucus

  • Calc Sulph – One side of the nose can be blocked while the other is flowing with a yellow tone of mucus or discharge. Mucus will be very thick or even appear lumpy.
  • Calc Carb – Nose may feel stopped up, dry and be accompanied with a yellowish hue of mucus. Hawking up discharges from throat or difficulty swallowing can also accompany the need for this remedy.
  • Hepar Sulphthick yellow nasal discharge with a splinter like pain, can have blood.
  • PulsatillaUsually green but can be yellow mucus that may also be coupled with an ear infection. Morning discharges have more of a yellowish hue and by evening they begin turning more green. Getting outside in the open air will help to relieve symptoms.

Clear Mucus

  • Allium Cepa – usually from seasonal allergies, often has an itchy nose and clear very runny discharge.
  • Euphrasia – can resemble Allium Cepa, however the clear runny discharge will have more eye irritation and less nose irritation.
  • Nux Vom – clear discharge with issues that are worse in the evening, can be sneezing.
  • Silicea – for any kind of nasal discharge that gets crusty.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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