
The Top 6 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Scars

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

As a person prone to the most ridiculous keloid scars:

I was quite happy to learn of yet another thing homeopathy can help with.

However, not all scars are created equally.

Some may itch, some can re-open, and some can be very hard.

Fortunately, homeopathy determines remedies based on all those types of different qualities.

So for that, here are some of the top remedies associated with scars.

1. Calc Fluor

In the homeopathic world, Calc Fluor has the nickname of “the stonebreaker”. This makes it great at dissolving anything stony in nature, particularly old, hard, raised, keloid type scars. Given that this is also a cell salt, being deficient in the cell salt form can even make you more prone to developing these types of scars.

2. Thiosinaminum

This is traditionally one of the top scar remedies. It can help dissolve nearly any scar, ranging from the external, to the internal. It can have a particular affinity for acting on scars in soft tissue areas such as the inside the mouth, or the genital region.

3. Calendula

This remedy works great for scars resulting from surgery, or any type of trauma wound (cuts, burns, etc). If you have surgery or some sort of trauma, this can even be used to help prevent the scar from initial forming.

4. Causticum

If you have any type of scar that is prone to opening back up, or is itchy (usually from burns) this remedy can be indicated.

5. Graphites

For thick scars that can have a burning or itching quality, can help with scars left from eczema.

6. Silicea

This is another one along with Calc Fluor that also has a cell salt version. It acts great on older scars that can pus, ooze, or become infected. Can also help with keloids.


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Given that this is such a physical based issue, 3-4 pellets of a very low potency like 6c (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) daily would likely be the greatest benefit. If there is zero improvement after a week or two, consider a different remedy or even working with me.

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