
The Top 6 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Acid Reflux

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

Yet another one of those miserable things.

And how much worse it is, when it is in response to something you ate that was really good?


Here are the top homeopathic remedies for acid reflux.

1. Nux vom

For reflux associated with indigestion from food (particularly spicy, or greasy), alcohol, or junk food/overly processed. Can be nauseas and feel relief from heartburn after vomiting.

2. nat phos

The cell salt associated with reflux particularly in babies. Can be very sour smelling, with sour vomit. May have a yellow coating on the tongue and issues from dairy and/or sugar.

3. ars alb

For reflux with a burning quality, can also have nausea, diarrhea, and anxiety with it. Often caused by food poisoning or from eating fruit.

4. carbo veg

For reflux that causes bloating with loud belching. There can also be a lot of tiredness or exhaustion.

5. iris versicolor

Specifically indicated for reflux, this has constant burning and nausea with bitterly sour vomiting about an hour after eating. This type can lead to headaches.

6. robinia

Very intense reflux that is very sour and worse at night. There can be a lot of belching, and will have to sit up as laying down makes it worse. As a result this can cause a lot of issues with trying to sleep.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

Homeopathy is effectively an energy medicine, making it safe for all ages. However do be mindful this post is for educational purposes based on homeopathic tradition. Do not hesitate to seek immediate medical attention in children, see full disclaimer.

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