
The Top 5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Dyslexia

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

There are many types of ailments western medicine simply does not have the answers for.

With that in mind, acceptance is a truly beautiful thing.

Acceptance is allowing us to become a much more loving, tolerant society.

However within homeopathic tradition, there are remedies that do align with many symptoms of issues that one would not think could otherwise even be helped.

Dyslexia is one such issue.

Alas, here are the remedies most commonly associated with dyslexia:

1. Lycopodium

The person needing this most commonly can be seen making mistakes with writing, and spelling. The memory as a whole can be weak, making it difficult to read what was just written down. Generally, they can seem to be more in a fog, and can have difficulty focusing. They may complain of right sided ailments, and have worsening symptoms or irritability between 4pm to 8pm.

2. Baryta Carb

This is to be thought of for dyslexia, and any kind of learning disability. It is often seen in those who lack confidence, are timid, shy, and forgetful. Their mind as a whole can seem weak and immature for their age. While speaking and writing, they may forget the correct words to use. There can also be issues with stunted growth, and they may be very stubborn.

3. Nat Mur

Commonly indicated for dyslexia, and speech delays (that do not necessarily have other developmental delays). There are often complaints of hearing a loud buzzing sound in the head, which impedes their ability to learn and comprehend. This can make them seem more withdrawn and reserved, in an inaccessible kind of way. There may also be issues with constipation and headaches.

4. Kali Brom

This features a great weakness of memory, and overall confusion. Opposite words may be substituted, or they may have to be told what word to use. While writing they may omit certain letters, or add in ones that are not necessary or that are otherwise incorrect.

5. Causticum

This type of dyslexia is more of a verbal one, in addition to written. While speaking they may make many verbal mistakes, whether using the wrong word or even omitting words that should be spoken. Associated with various speech disorders.


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This is the kind of issue it would really be best to work with a homeopath on. However if you decide to try at home regardless then it is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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