
The Top 4 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Breast Lumps

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

There is nothing quite like having breast lumps.

And no, I don’t mean in a good way.

It is like the outcome for breast lumps is either:

“You have cancer!”


“You don’t have cancer!”

Okay. But even if one does not have cancer, then what? Is one just supposed to exist with them and hope for the best or something?

I literally had breast lumps from the time they first ever developed. I never knew what it was like to not have them.

Until homeopathy completely dissolved them, that is.

Alas, here are the top remedies for breast lumps.

1. Conium

This remedy is best when the lumps are in the mammary glands, they can feel very hard, almost like cartilage, painful, or sore when touching. The person needing this may have had lumps since their breasts originally developed as teenagers. They can have a sense of being closed off, forgetful, and prone to motion sickness.

2. Phytolacca

This is best when there is inflammation of the breast along with lumps, that can extend into the armpits. While nursing, there can be shooting pains throughout the breast. Breasts can feel very hard, hot, sensitive, and can have a purplish discoloration. Can be worse when sick or with cold, damp weather.

3. Pulsatilla

For lumps that can fluctuate with the menstrual cycle, usually accompanied with irregular periods. These lumps can have also (along with Conium) originated at puberty. May be more prone to weepiness, being overly emotional, or otherwise needing consolation and support.

4. Calc Fluor

Calc Fluor is known as the “stone breaker” so is associated with lumps in the glands that are hard as stone. This is a cell salt (see post: cell salts) so can be taken as more of a mineral supplement in conjunction with the above remedies.

Some additional remedies that can be associated with breast lumps include Bryonia, Bellis Perenis, Calc Carb, Baryta Carb, Iodum, and Bufo.


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Given that this is such a physical based issue, 3-4 pellets of a very low potency like 6c (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) daily would likely be the greatest benefit. If there is zero improvement after a week or two, consider a different remedy or even working with me.

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