
The Top 11 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Menstrual Cramps

Disclaimer: this pertains to traditionally accepted homeopathic principles and does not constitute medical advice. This post contains affiliate links. Please see full disclaimer.

It’s that time again…

The monthly tingles have started, and you know you are in for a long week not only physically but mentally as well…

Whether your periods are heavy, your cramps are making you dizzy or you just don’t have time to be down and out this month – homeopathy can help get you some relief during this cycle!


1. Mag Phos:

A great first go-to if you are having trouble deciding on which remedy fits best for your menstrual cramps. Will find relief with the application of heat or pressing on the abdomen. Pains may feel shooting.

2. Colocynthis:

 Cramps that will make you double over in pain. Also, has a tendency to have heavy periods. Pain can be worse from eating or drinking. May find relief in bending body forward.

3. Sepia:

A bearing down sensation/pain, almost as if the pelvis will fall out. Can have very scanty periods. May suffer with PCOS, or pain with intercourse. Emotionally can feel distant with husband/children or have anger outbursts.

4. Ipecac:

Cramps going from left to right with nausea or vomiting. Blood may be bright red and clotted. Desire to lie down can feel lethargic or weak.

5. Chamomilla:

For cramps that extend into thighs. Emotionally can be very angry, and irritated. Will feel worse at night or with heat. Can have bleeding in between cycles. Blood is darker shades of red and clotted.

6. Kali Carb:

Cramps that are felt in the lower back, and hips. Pain in the back becomes worse from walking and is relieved by sitting down. Detests cold weather, and is very sensitive to pain, noise, and touch.

7. Cimicifuga:

Cramps with neck pains. Can suffer from depression and have feelings of impending evil. Cramping/pains and head congestion may begin before menstruation starts. Emotionally may suffer from extreme mood swings and PMS.

8. Belladonna:

Cramps that are in the abdomen, back, and legs, feel very hot. Bearing down sensation that is worse with lying down. Any pains that are very sudden in nature. Bleeding is bright red, with a feeling of a heated head or headache.

9. Sabina:

Cramps that wrap from back to front of pelvis. Feels better in cool air and worse from even small amounts of motion or heat. Periods are typically very heavy, and history of fibroids. Yellow or white discharge begins after menstruation.

10. Cocculus:

Cramps with dizziness and weakness. Bleeding is dark and profuse. Pains feel cutting in the uterus and ovaries. Typically feel very weak during menstruation. May suffer from vertigo or gastric problems with motion sickness.

11. Lachesis:

Cramps/irritability are better when the flow of period starts. Dislikes having pressure or tightness of clothing. Pain can be generalized to the left-sided ovary. Emotionally may struggle with extreme jealousy.


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It is typically suggested to take 3-4 pellets of the 30c potency (see post: Homeopathic Potencies Explained) at a time. If you experience improvement, then only repeat when the improvement wears off (see post: When to Take a Dose in Homeopathy).

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